Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Monday, November 29, 2010

Bring Back Sparky... and Bucky

It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas

I Can Walk!

We have a record of 5 steps. Mommy has officially checked in the Nut House.

First Trip to Ribs King

Alexis: Ok, Elana heres the thing... just look at the camera and they will leave us alone.

Mommy and Jami: Now say cheese girls.

(They apparently dont like Montgomery Inn that well)

Elana: Alright now lets get out of here!


Proof, that Alexis does in fact like her Sippy.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Feeding Time at the Zoo

Wheat Crackers
Gerber Puffs
Formula Bottles
.... And anything else Alexis and Elana want to shovel in their mouth.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

MUCH Better

Good thing Mommy knows how to 'crop'.

Double Trouble

Trying to get a picture of ONE baby is hard enough. Try getting a picture of TWO babies.

Mommy: Alexis, look this way.

Mommy: Oh Alexis, where are you going?

Elana: Oh Alexis, I dont know what she is doing (scratching her head) ? ?

Mommy: Great shot! Good job girls! .... CARSON! You ruined it!

39 Weeks - 9 Months

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Thirty Seven Weeks Old

Toy 'Off'

Mommy and Daddy got baby Alexis her first Christmas present that she HATED! It made her cry every time I turned it on. However she liked it when it was turned off... unfortunately it doesn't work that way.