Sunday, February 22, 2015

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

44 Weeks


This week- I can say Da Da


This week- I'm quite attached to Mommy lately.

I apparently was awful at taking pictures this week...

Sunday, February 8, 2015

10 Months


Size 9mos
Size 4 diapers
Two bottom teeth
Sleeps 12-14 hours at night
Can climb stairs like a pro!
Pulls up on everything!
Can say Da Da
Loves to eat!


Size 9mos
Size 4 diapers
Two bottom teeth
Sleeps 12-14 hours at night
Talks gibberish in addition to the Ma Ma, Da Da, Ba Ba, etc 

They both eat mainly cut up fruits and veggies. They eat some meat, but very little. They like pasta, not so big on rice. They basically live on Cheerios! 

Already trying to say they are older. Lydia is not so sure about this...

43 Weeks


This week- I can climb stairs. And got tooth number two!


This week- I can crawl really well. Learning to dance!! 

They love to FaceTime.

First Family Trip to Skyline :)

Play date with big sisters