Sunday, October 28, 2012

Heart Melting

"My little eyes are watching everything you say and do.
For when I grow up big and tall I wanna be like you.
My little ears are listening to everything you say.
I'm learning how to grow up and be like you someday.
So be careful how you teach me to be the person that you are.
You are the best friend that I could have; You're my brightest shining star!"

-Patsy Gaut

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Fall Fun

Got this idea from Pinterest. Fell in love with it, as I do with all things Pinterest, and of course had to do it. The idea is to take this same picture each year. Sorry Alexis, we'll just say we lost your picture from last year. Making the numbers is a little harder than I had anticipated. Especially since two toddlers like to crawl or run through the numbers as you try to shape them. Either way you get the point. Cant wait to see how much they grow next year.... Oh wait yes I can wait! Quit growing up so fast girls!

A few more pictures of the fun we had in the leaves...


Our cousin is in a band in San Diego. We got a copy of the CD in the mail today along with a hat. The girls enjoyed the CD and showed off their support!

Thursday, October 18, 2012


In hopes that Alexis' hair will start growing in a little more normal we got it shaped up. I think we are probably at least 5 years away from a real haircut for this child. She may look a little disgusted but I think she liked it.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Making Strides for Breast Cancer

Sam's Club, Chelsei, Alexis and I went on the Breast Cancer Walk downtown this past Sunday. Other than a stroller malfunction we had a great time. Alexis still has her ribbon on her face, and I dont foresee her letting me take it off any time soon.

Onesie Quilt

After months of putting it off... its complete. I tell you this was one of the most stressful things I have ever done. Not only is making a quilt for the first time a little challenging, but add into that using tiny pieces of baby clothes that if you ruin you can never replace!
I have already warned Payton that her pile of onesies may just be given to her in the box they are in, rather than in blanket form! :) Those second children always get jipped right?

This is the site for the tutorial.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

How to Make a Two Year Old Happy...

1. Take the Sunday paper and throw it on the floor.
2. Tell your two year old to crumple it
3. Then tell her to put in her orange 'punkin' bag
4. Watch her cheesy grin
5. Put the tacky little suckers outside and enjoy.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Third Times a Charm?

Trying to get a good shot of the four of us is nearly impossible!

Even a good shot of two of us takes some work.

We'll settle with this...


Alexis - "Pay Pay I wanna kiss you!"

My girls favorite thing to do...

Tackle each other and kiss/tickle each other.

Nothing makes me happier than seeing this and hearing the giggles!

Don't You Just Wanna Squeeze Her?

Warm and snuggly on our cold nights/mornings we've been having!

He Can Cook?

After (almost) four years of marriage... Kevin made me dinner for the first time

He calls it Eggs in a Blanket. He may have made a 
little mess, but if he wants to make me dinner Ill gladly clean it up! 

A girl could get used to this.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Crayon Purse

Made from scrap fabric for a friend's birthday.

Tutorial here.

Alexis was sure it was her's so I have a feeling I'll be making another soon.

Oh Did You Wanna Sit Here?

Homecoming Parade

Girls loved the parade. And loved that Ben threw them candy even more.

Go Gators! ... and Bearcats!

My daddy's team can beat your daddy's team!

And mommy's team can beat daddy's team! ;)


Touchdown #48!!!

Tackiest football fan award... also the cutest!


Alexis has an imaginary friend named "boy". He went to Kohls and Montgomery Inn with us yesterday (even though he was an hour late) and he went to Bens football game with us today. Now apparently he is spending the night... I hear Alexis in her bed talking to him.

A picture of Alexis with "boy".

P.S. She has also informed me that he looks like Prince Eric from Little Mermaid. Pretty sure Mommy already married him in 1990. ;)