Friday, February 28, 2014

30 Weeks

30 Weeks

Weight Gain- 25lbs
Belly Button- Half out.
Feeling- Got a 'burst' of energy this week. Not sure where it came from; not complaining. But used the opportunity to do a few things on my to-do list.
Big Moments- Aside from their cribs (we are getting in two weeks) we are officially prepared for their arrival. Although we want them to stay put for a little longer! Their clothes/blankets are washed and put away. They have newborn bath mats to take their first baths. I have a pack-n-play set up in our room for their first few weeks home. They have a lifetime supply of swaddle blankets! And, their hospital bag is packed (gotta finish Mommy and Daddy's). 
Craving- Kroger chocolate donut holes and chicken salad (again).
Babies are the size of- Cabbage
Next Appointment- Next OB visit March 5.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

29 Weeks

29 Weeks

Weight Gain- 23lbs (no weight gain this week)
Belly Button- Half out.
Feeling- Heavy belly, headaches and backaches! Within in a matter of days I feel pregnant! Like 40 weeks pregnant! ;)
Big Moments- Got maternity pictures done this past week. Can't wait to get them back! She is awesome! Check her out !! 
Craving- Nothing really, appetite went down a bit this week.
Babies are the size of- Butternut squash. 
Next Appointment- Next OB visit March 5.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

28 Week Ultrasound/Check Up

28 Weeks

Marshall 2lbs 11ozs

Look at those chunky cheeks! Poor guy, his sister doesn't give him a lot of room. Her bottom is resting right on his head.

Lydia 2lbs 9ozs

Is that a little smile? I think so! 

I had to have a whooping cough vaccine, Rhogham shot AND blood drawn for my thyroid! What a fun visit! 

But doctor said everything looked good. Cervix is not dilated, good news. And no signs of preterm labor as of now. I have to come back in two weeks, at that time we'll schedule my csection. Somewhere between week 38-39 I would assume. 

We are moving right along.

Thought I'd add a little comparison..

This is me 34 Weeks with Payton. I had her 4 weeks later.

This is me 28 Weeks with twins! And have 10 weeks left. I feel like this picture doesn't even do it justice to just how big I got this past week! 

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Alexis' Yearly Build a Bear Photos

Alexis' Yearly Photos 

One year

Two year

Three year

Four year

Cant hardly believe it! Love you little girl!

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

28 Weeks

28 Weeks

Weight Gain- 23 lbs
Belly Button- Even/half out! 
Feeling- Hiccups (usually Marshall) and very strong kicks (usually Lydia). Backaches! 
Big Moments- Made a quilt for Lydia. Now need to work on Marshall's. 
Craving- Chicken salad and BBQ.
Babies are the size of- Eggplant 
Next Appointment- Next ultrasound/OB appt Feb 20. 

Happy 4th Birthday Alexis!

Alexis' Birthday Week started offwith her joint party with my brother Ben at my great-grandmother's house. My aunt ordered her a specialprincess cake. And as instructed... My mom bought her a Princess Sophia dress with an amuletand crown. 

One of my birthday presents to Alexis was allowing her to play Playdoh.. Which I can't stand! What a mess. And to be honest, I hate when the colors mix! Haha But her and her sister had a great time! I even got some cleaning done. Maybe I like Playdoh after all (doubtful). 

I helped out with Alexis' Valentines Party at school. And since it was close to her birthday we combined it with a small celebration for Alexis as well. She calls it her Valentines Birthday! She picked out the snack we brought... Heart shaped marshmallows, pretzels and One Direction water. Mommy arranged a little surprise for her... Gee came to school to help for her party as well! We had a great day! 

The birthday girl and her special birthday breakfast, her favorite donut holes.

And what 4th birthday would be complete without a One Direction themed pizza birthday party?!

Liam even sent a special photo for Alexis' party. Obviously her favorite gift!

The story behind this is One Direction has a music video out, Story of My Life. In the video they show pictures of them as kids. So we did a Story of Alexis' Life...

A pizza cake.

And a birthday wish!

The wish must have come true because Chelsei brought her a Frozen dress!

And of course the party had a photo booth!

Alexis had a great Birthday Week!