Thursday, January 30, 2014

26 Weeks

Ignore the mean look on my face! Yikes!

26 Weeks

Weight Gain- 16.5 lbs
Belly Button- Even? Is that what you'd call it? Neither in nor out! 
Feeling- Feeling a little more ready (even though I had a mini panic moment this week). Alexis helped me put clothes, diapers and blankets away in drawers. After having two girls, and keeping everything, I never thought I'd have enough boy clothes. But, thanks to three lovely ladies my newborn-3mos supply is quite stocked up!
Big Moments- Every once in awhile when they move or kick I can tell who is the one doing it. Kind of fun! Much more fun to say "Oh Marshall is moving around" than saying "One of them is kicking." 
Craving- Chicken salad, Saratoga chips, potato salad - haven't had it yet I need to get some ASAP!
Babies are the size of- Cucumbers
Next Appointment- Next ultrasound/OB appt Feb 20. 

Thursday, January 23, 2014

24 Week Ultrasound

Marshall (Baby A)
1lb 8 ozs

Lydia (Baby B)
1 lb 7 ozs

Both babies measured well for 24 weeks.

Also, figured out why it looked like my belly "shrunk"... The babies repositioned. Instead of laying on top of each other, they are now laying next to each other. :)

See ya again in 4 weeks!!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

25 Weeks

25 Weeks

Weight Gain- 14 lbs
Belly Button- Even? Is that what you'd call it? Neither in nor out! 
Feeling- Babies repositioned to next to each other as opposed to on top of one another. So I feel slightly less large. Not sure if the two have anything to do with one another, but I also have had less leg pain. I went to Joann Fabric with my MIL and although the trip was exhausting (picking out fabric for curtains) I didn't have any leg pain. I will appreciate the little things! Considering if I had made the same trip a week or two ago it would have left me on the couch the rest of the evening with my feet propped up.
Big Moments- We have one crib put together. Awaiting arrival of a second crib. Hung a few pictures in nursery. Been working at it for a month straight and finally can see an end in sight. But, still lots to do. And, if you saw my last post you saw we had another ultrasound. The babies are each about a pound and a half!!! 
Craving- Vanilla malts 
Babies are the size of- Rutabagas (Whatever those are!)
Next Appointment- Next OB visit Jan 29.

* In case, like me, you were wondering what in fact a rutabaga is...

Not very cute! However my babies, very cute! ;)

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

What a Difference a Year Makes

Every year I keep three journals.. One for each girl and one for Kevin and I. I fill the journals with keepsakes from the year, pictures, etc. I try to sit down and write in them too... But I've been awful. Seems like at the end of each year I am playing catch up. I hate myself that I don't take the time to write more things down. But anyway, enough beating myself up! (Btw next year I'll be keeping FIVE journals, oh my!)

Throughout the year I like to trace the girls' hands to see how they grow. This year I did something different. I traced their hand at beginning of the year and at the end; on the same page.



Omg, Payton's blew me away! I knew she grew a lot this year... But not that much! So glad I did this.

Alexis Feb. 2013

Payton Feb. 2013

Both Girls Dec. 2013

Monday, January 13, 2014

24 Weeks

Look at that full hair! A side effect of pregnancy. Anyone want about half of this? You're more than welcome! My hair was full enough before this!!

24 Weeks

Weight Gain- 12 lbs
Belly Button- In
Feeling- Pretty good. Legs ache if I do too much. Means I don't shop as long/often, you're welcome Kevin! But also means I desperately need to go grocery shopping!!
Big Moments- Apparently (I just read this) that Week 24 is the week of viability. If born this week they both have a good chance of survival. So that's definitely something to celebrate! Even though of course we'd like them to stay in another 10-14 weeks. Also this week we set up bassinet in our room, I know it's a little early but it makes me happy! Worked on a few things for the nursery as well. It's definitely coming along slower than I would like, but Momma gets tired!! Baby nurseries are a Happy Place for me.. So I'm anxious to have my Happy Place. And of course one step closer to them being here and having our family complete! 
Craving- Pasta & Buffalo Chicken Wraps
Babies are the size of- Ears of Corn 
Next Appointment- Next Ultrasound Jan 23. Next OB visit Jan 29.

**Feeling blessed by all the acts of generosity I have received so far. It really is an honor to be carrying twins. But definitely could not do it without all the help. Thank you! (You know who you all are!) I hope I get the chance to repay it.** 

Friday, January 10, 2014

23 Weeks

23 Weeks

Weight Gain- 10 lbs
Belly Button- In... Getting close
Feeling- "Nesty" and Very very bitchy! Sorry to all who have to deal with me. 
Big Moments- Still working on nursery.
Craving- Thought I was craving wings... Nope!
Babies are the size of- Mangos 
Next Appointment- Next Ultrasound Jan 23. Next OB visit Jan 29.

Friday, January 3, 2014

22 Weeks

22 Weeks

Weight Gain- 8.5 lbs
Belly Button- In... Getting close
Feeling- "Nesty" probably just because I have double to get ready for. 
Big Moments- Anatomy scan came back great! Working on the nursery!!!
Craving- Caesar salad, green olives and oranges. 
Babies are the size of- Squash
Next Appointment- Next Ultrasound Jan 23. Next OB visit Jan 29. *Ultrasounds every four weeks. And soon OB appts every two! Oh boy!