Wednesday, February 19, 2014

28 Week Ultrasound/Check Up

28 Weeks

Marshall 2lbs 11ozs

Look at those chunky cheeks! Poor guy, his sister doesn't give him a lot of room. Her bottom is resting right on his head.

Lydia 2lbs 9ozs

Is that a little smile? I think so! 

I had to have a whooping cough vaccine, Rhogham shot AND blood drawn for my thyroid! What a fun visit! 

But doctor said everything looked good. Cervix is not dilated, good news. And no signs of preterm labor as of now. I have to come back in two weeks, at that time we'll schedule my csection. Somewhere between week 38-39 I would assume. 

We are moving right along.

Thought I'd add a little comparison..

This is me 34 Weeks with Payton. I had her 4 weeks later.

This is me 28 Weeks with twins! And have 10 weeks left. I feel like this picture doesn't even do it justice to just how big I got this past week! 

1 comment:

  1. Looks like in another week you will def have an 'outy'. Hang in there are going great <3.
